Social Media Fundraising Tools

When you log in to your participant center this year, you will notice a new category at the top called “Messaging”

text block with "messaging" highlighted

This section houses a social messaging tool that you can use to boost your fundraising efforts by linking your social media accounts and/or email and sending messages directly from your participant center!

The tool can link to many of the most popular social platforms of your choice, including your email, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you have access to your participant center on mobile, you can also use Text/SMS, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. Upon navigating to the page, you will be greeted with four sub-menus that outline how you can use the tool:

Send Messages

Here you can access ready-to-send messages to quickly and easily send to the platform of your choice.

Schedule Messages

If you aren’t looking to send something now, you can instead schedule messages to go out at a later time, or even on recurring days! This can be a great tool to help provide automatic updates and reminders to your network.

Thank Donors

Make it easy to show your gratitude! Here you can see recent donations related to your messages, and thank your donors for their support.


Easy access to preferences and settings for the social accounts you connect to your participant center.