Make an Enterprise Zone Tax-Deductible Donation

Give a larger gift to Children’s Hospital Colorado at no extra cost to you
Children’s Colorado is one of several Enterprise Zones designated by the State of Colorado to encourage economic growth. Colorado taxpayers who make qualifying gifts to Children’s Colorado in 2024 may be eligible for a generous state income tax credit of up to 25% if giving an outright gift of cash or tax credit of 12.5% for gifts of appreciated stock.
The Enterprise Zone tax credit is an opportunity to donate to Children’s Hospital Colorado and reduce the amount of Colorado state income tax you pay, in addition to federal and state charitable deductions you may receive for gifts to charity. Through the Enterprise Zone, you can nearly double the size of your qualifying gift – and the impact of your generosity – without increasing the net cost to you.
Qualifying for the Colorado Enterprise Zone tax credit
Outright gifts (unrelated to a Foundation special event) of at least $500 to Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation specifically designated toward the following areas at Children’s Colorado qualify for the Colorado Enterprise Zone tax credit:
At Children’s Hospital Colorado, groundbreaking research is at the core of our mission. For many children with debilitating diseases, research breakthroughs may be their families’ single greatest hope. With your gift towards child health research through the Enterprise Zone program, you can play a key role in advancing the discoveries that could transform a family’s hope into a child’s brighter future.
Here are just a few examples of what our research is helping to accomplish:
- Sickle cell anemia is a devastating genetic disorder characterized by deformed red blood cells. Hematologists at Children’s Colorado are bringing transplant options and new gene therapies to patients with sickle cell disease. Now, many sickle cell disease patients have their first realistic hope for a normal life.
- Understanding risk factors for severe disease among children with COVID-19.
These are just a few examples of how support for research can accelerate discoveries and lead to even better clinical care. With your support in child health research, we can help change the course of disease, drastically impacting the lives of children — and the adults they will become.
To support child health research, donate here.
Every year, more than 25,000 children undergo a surgical procedure at Children’s Colorado. Our Center for Children’s Surgery has developed a comprehensive strategic plan to set a new, higher standard for pediatric surgery. With your gift towards pediatric surgery through the Enterprise Zone program, you can support better outcomes for all our patients.
Here are just a few examples of how we are improving patient outcomes:
- Children’s Colorado has expanded to meet growing community need, with 14% more surgeries performed in 2023 than in 2022.
- Chris Derderian, MD, a pediatric and fetal surgeon, and a multidisciplinary care team performed a landmark procedure in 2023 – fetoscopic myelomeningocele (MMC) repair – the first in the region. The minimally invasive surgery repairs and closes the defects in a developing spine causing spina bifida while a baby is still in the womb, reducing the chance of complications for both mom and baby and resulting in better motor function as children grow and develop.
Surgical advances like this are at the heart of the evolution in care made possible by gifts to the Pediatric Surgery Fund. In partnership with donors like you, we will build the premier child health surgical program in the nation that includes the best medical team for every child, advanced technology, cutting-edge surgical research, and high-quality care that spans a child’s entire surgical journey: from diagnosis to healing.
To support the pediatric surgery fund, donate here.
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, suicide was a leading cause of death for Colorado youth. With your gift in support of pediatric mental health through the Enterprise Zone program, you can help us continue to build a stronger foundation for addressing mental health among children and youth.
As we create a better mental health future for our kids, we are focused on four key areas:
- Build, strengthen and diversify our mental health workforce.
- Increase care environments across the continuum of care, from expanding prevention services to establishing new specialty care clinics and ensuring right-sized inpatient and crisis care options.
- Integrate best-in-class research and innovation into clinical practice.
- Invest in family support, engagement and advocacy programs.
We have created a bold vision to ensure equitable access to high-quality, evidence-based care and prevention for kids. From inpatient, outpatient and partial hospitalization programs to art therapy and support services for parents, your support gives more kids and families access to the resources they need to heal.
To support pediatric mental health, donate here.
The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s Colorado is home to one of the best pediatric hematology/oncology teams in the world that is on the brink of groundbreaking new treatments and cures. With your gift to support cancer research through the Enterprise Zone program, you are helping our physician-scientists raise the bar by developing more effective, less invasive treatments for pediatric cancer.
Here are just a few examples of our work:
- There currently are more than 300 clinical trials underway and more than 100 active research studies across all specialties within the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s Hospital Colorado, as we relentlessly pursue our vision of a world without cancer and blood disorders.
- Sickle cell anemia is a devastating genetic disorder characterized by deformed red blood cells. Hematologists at Children’s Colorado are bringing transplant options and new gene therapies to patients with this challenging disease. Now, many sickle cell anemia patients have their first realistic hope for a disease-free, normal life.
- We are deploying state-of-the-art computational approaches to investigate the earliest genetic changes that transform healthy cells into leukemic (cancer) cells and identify the underlying cellular pathways that drive leukemia therapy resistance. This will enable us to bring better outcomes for patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia, the most common form of childhood cancer and a leading cause of childhood cancer-related death.
We believe research is the key to defeating these debilitating diseases. With your support, we can transform care and save the lives of pediatric cancer patients in Colorado and around the globe.
To support cancer and blood disorders research, donate here.
Precision medicine is a paradigm shift in the way health care is implemented. With a high-resolution map of the human genome, this methodology considers the genetic makeup, both inherited and the patient’s private genetic alterations, that can influence an individual’s wellbeing and inform the precise disease mechanism. With your gift towards precision medicine through the Enterprise Zone program, you can support new methods to better manage patients’ health and develop targeted therapies to achieve the best outcomes.
One example of a major investment made towards precision medicine is our purchase of a second NovaSeq machine to pave the way for rapid whole genome sequencing (rWGS), an emerging method for diagnosing genetic conditions quickly to gather much-needed information to guide the treatment of critically ill children treatments for these kids.
Your support can help Children’s Colorado harness the full potential of precision medicine, catalyzing extraordinary leaps forward for all types of childhood diseases. With your gift towards precision medicine, we can alter the ways we treat every young patient.
To support precision medicine, donate here.
With your gift in support of the Center for Innovation through the Enterprise Zone program, you can help drive research and innovation, which are key to re-imagining and realizing the future of child health.
Here are just a few examples of how we are pushing the envelope and developing better care for kids:
- Assuring the availability of medicines in the concentrations and doses specific to pediatric patients.
- Collaborating with a medical device start-up to offer pediatric patients a safer, faster, more affordable alternative to sedated endoscopy.
- Developing a care-changing test that monitors inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
These are just a few ways that we are harnessing the creativity and expertise of our pediatric physician-scientists. With your support, we can develop innovations that push boundaries, shift paradigms, improve lives, and bring about transformative changes for children’s health.
To support the Innovation Fund, donate here.
With your gift in support of the Heart Institute through the Enterprise Zone program, you can help drive groundbreaking research and world-class clinical programs that will continue to transform cardiac care for patients and families around the world.
Here are just a few examples of how we are leading the charge and developing better care for kids:
- As the largest heart institute in the region, we treat more than 20,000 patients each year, and treat them effectively. Since 2020, we have performed more than 675 heart surgeries annually, with a survival rate close to 98%. For the most complex cardiac surgeries, our success rate is almost 10 points higher than the national average.
- Our care for cardiac patients begins before birth, diagnosing congenital heart defects and disease in utero, then continues through childhood and into adulthood.
- Our Heart Institute is one of only eight stand-alone pediatric research centers in the country, driving discovery in the field of cardiology and cardiac care.
These are just a few ways that our pediatric caregivers and physician-scientists are developing new technologies and therapies to benefit children. With your support, we can continue to grow and transform care for patients and families around the world.
To support the Heart Institute, donate here.
“Giving through the Enterprise Zone tax credit helps us support the hospital’s strategic priorities, create economic opportunities in Colorado and reduce our family’s tax burden with a 25% Colorado state income tax credit. We call that a win-win-win – for the hospital, for the community and for us as a family.”
Diana M., Enterprise Zone donor
Receive up to a 25% state tax credit
You can nearly double the size of your gift – and the impact of your generosity – without increasing the net cost to you.
Make an Enterprise Zone DonationEnterprise Zone gift information
The Foundation defines a qualifying Enterprise Zone gift as an outright gift (unrelated to a special event) of at least $500 to Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation specifically designated toward one of the seven funds listed above (with no sub-designations or additional restrictions). These designations may change at the Foundation’s discretion, as long as they fall within the State of Colorado’s economic objectives for the Enterprise Zone program. The Foundation generally revises the qualifying designations annually.
- Children’s Colorado may award up to $750,000 annually in qualifying Enterprise Zone tax credits. The amount of gifts which may be eligible each year ranges from $3 million to $6 million; the exact amount depends on the proportion of gifts received via cash versus stock.
- In the event that the Foundation receives more qualifying gifts in a single year than the $750,000 limit, the available tax credit will be granted to donors in the order in which those gifts were received.
- The amount of credit taken in one year cannot exceed the donor’s state tax liability. However, excess credit may be carried forward for up to five years.
- The maximum credit a donor can claim per tax year is $100,000.
The availability of the Enterprise Zone tax credit is subject to change at any time. There is no guarantee the tax credit will continue to be available in future years.
*The information represented is of a general nature and should not be construed as legal, accounting or tax advice. Every taxpayer’s situation is different. The descriptions and examples provided may not be applicable to every taxpayer’s specific circumstances, which could require the consideration of other tax and non-tax factors. Please consult a tax advisor prior to taking any action based on this information.